Best Fallout 4 Weapon Mods
- Best Fallout 4 Weapon And Armor Mods
- Best Fallout 4 Weapon Mods Xbox One 2018
- Fallout 4 Modern Firearms Tactical Edition
Page Contents.The best Fallout 4 Mods For PS3/PS4. Unified clothing overhaul (UCO)If you feel that the game does allow you to express yourself in the way you look then this is one of the best fallout 4 ps4 mods for you.The UCO mods let you completely change the way your player character looks and lets you style yourself in any way you choose while completely retaining the benefits of your armour. If you have always been wishing to look like a certain non-playable character (NPC) in the game, then you can do so.Visit to get the UCO mod. Simple seasons (white, red, green and yellow)If you like a bit of change in the scenery, then the Simple seasons mod is one you should definitely try out.The dreary look of the wastelands of the Commonwealth can definitely become monotonous. A lot of us have gotten tired of it, and we are sure you have too. The Simple Seasons mod comes as our guardian angel.This mod will give you lush greens, a blanket of snow, a feeling of fall with oranges and yellow and trees all over. Basically, it will give you seasons and remove the dreary feeling of the wasteland.
Change is good we say. You can get the Simple Seasons mod. Wacky Weapons WorkshopYes, you can enhance your weapons in Fallout 4, but the real fun comes in going all out crazy.With this mod, you can put together all type of weapons in a combination which suits your fancy or just for the hell of it. Wouldn’t you want to say, a Fatman paired with a revolver?
Imagine the feeling of launching nukes from your handgun.Once you have crafted weapons using this mod, you can also add legendary effects to those weapons, so you can truly feel like a crazy person and a god within the game.As far as mods go, this is one of the top fallout four mods you could get your hands on and really, really should try.Get this mod. Zombie walkersWe all wonder what would it be like when a virus finally infects everybody, and we are stuck in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the living dead. The Zombie Walkers mod transforms the ghouls of the Commonwealth and turns them into the walking undead.The feral ghouls are renamed to zombies, cannot sprint anymore and are now killable with one shot to the head.
Their animations are tweaked a bit so you can get the proper undead feeling.These ghouls now come in big herds and will definitely give you the feel you want. This mod is without a doubt one of the best fallout four ps4 mods. Visit the link to get it. The best Fallout 4 Mods For Xbox OneAre you on the Xbox one? Then these mods are some of the best you should definitely try. Cheat Menu Ultimate HolotapeThis is one almost every player would want. No wait, we stand corrected.
Everyone wants this!!It is a tiny mod but offers you a huge package. You get the standard perks like GOD mode, Infinite ammunition, maxed out perks, S.P.E.C.I.A.L points, etc. But wait, there is more!!You also get extra inventory slots, easy lockpicking and terminal access, more weapons (if DLCs are installed), add crafting materials as much as you would like, etc.This mod is for those who want the easy road and want to feel like a GOD. Get this mod.
Improved Maps and Visible RoadsLet us be honest; the pip-boy map isn’t exactly much of a map. More of a location pointer or indicator.The Improved Maps and Visible Roads mod greatly increases the usability of the pip boy map, by increasing the detail of all the lines and roads which become much better to see and understand. After using this mod, you will definitely feel like using the pip boy map a lot more. This is one mod which looks very insignificant as face value but is actually very useful and one of the best Fallout 4 mods.You can get this mod. Institute Portal GunThis lets you use a gun which lets you travel to or reach places which aren’t easily accessible or are designed to be unreachable as per the game’s design.How do you use the gun? You equip it, aim for the spot and fire to instantly move yourself to the target location.There are also other uses of this gun too. If you plan to pickpocket someone and want a quick getaway, then the portal gun is your best friend.
If you are in the middle of a fight and feel like you won’t make it out alive, the portal can quickly teleport you out from imminent death. Renovated FurnitureImprove the settlements greatly with this mod. If you feel like the dreary look of the settlements are a bit too dated and then it is time to whip out the latest styles of furniture.The Renovated Furniture mod adds around 120 new pieces of furniture into the game and in all sorts of styles adding a much cleaner look and new age home feel. You get cleaner textures and looks for tables, fridges, chairs, bookcases, etc., and everything feels polished.This is one of the best fallout four mods Xbox one supports because it is something which you think you don’t need but one which you will highly appreciate once you use it and will end up using on a regular basis. The best Fallout 4 Mods For PCThe PC version of the mods for Fallout 4 are the most polished and well designed. So, enjoy some of the best fallout four mods from below.
Everyone’s best friend (dogmeat + a companion at the same time)We all know that the dog is man’s best friend. Dogmeat in Fallout 4 is no exception.But what upsets most players is that some of the companion perks do not affect him. For example, the Live and Love do not apply to him.
You also cannot disable the Lone Wander perk benefits.This mod lets you have dogmeat alongside you in addition to another companion at the same time. The more, the merrier, right?A simple mod, but one which leaves a lasting impression and playing experience which is why this mod is one of the best fallout four mods PC users can get their hands on. Get this mod. Settlement supplies extendedThere isn’t a lot you can do with your settlements in the game, but with the Settlement Supplies Extended mod, you can add and use a lot of structures, furniture, objects, etc. To build your settlements with. Once installed, you will have over 100 more options at your disposal to completely style your new settlement with.
You will get cars, vault doors, barbed wires and even aircraft!!To get this mod, click. Lowered weaponsNobody runs with their weapons pointing upwards in real life. And in Fallout four this is a real eye-sore.The Lowered Weapons mod lets you lower your weapon when your character moves forward. This is a huge bonus for those who like it really even in video games and also for those are very trigger happy.When you have your gun pointing towards someone, then it is very easy for you to feel like pulling the trigger on them straight away.
But the Lowered Weapons mod greatly lowers that risk by having your weapon lowered to a lesser aggressive position.This is a mod which most of you wouldn’t think you need but definitely will appreciate. It is why it on our list of the top Fallout 4 mods.
Get this mod. Infinite ammo for your companionNot everything is about you, you know.
Others around you want and need things too.This mod lets you give your weapon to your companion without having them burn through the ammo at an ungodly rate. The way it works is that your companion when having the weapon should have at least one magazine. If that is true, they can fire away at the enemies as long as they’d like.The only exception is the Fat Man, and we can understand why.This was our list of the best fallout 4 mods you can find out there.
There are many more out there and more still waiting to be developed by the always active community of players and modders. We would like to mention that most mods you come across are mostly usable across all three platforms, so in case you play on more than one platform you can try them out on each one.Let us know in the comments below if you prefer any other mods other than the ones on our list.
Fallout 4’s is full of landmarks, enemies and incredible scenery. Making your way through the entire map will see you run into countless opponents, all of which you’ll likely try to kill before they kill you. You can mow them down with Gatling Lasers, disintegrate them with Mini-Nukes or simply bash their heads in. All of these playstyles are engaging to play, one of the most fun though is sniping from a distance.So often you see raiders holed up in a huge district, it’s tempting to run straight in with your trusty shotgun but take a minute to use a marksman rifle from range. The satisfaction is endless, enemies will have a hard time shooting back and you can clear the area without stepping inside at all.If you’re looking to start sniping in Fallout 4, you need to know which weapons to use.
Best Fallout 4 Weapon And Armor Mods
This list will detail the 10 best sniper rifles in the game, with enough information for you to snipe from level 1 to level 70!10. Pipe Bolt-Action PistolOne of the very, very first weapons you’ll encounter.
Pipe weapons are all over the place, not just in the early game but for your entire playthrough. Their robust, hand-made nature makes them a favorite among small time thieves and soldiers in the Commonwealth.Bolt-action weapons tend to have extremely low fire-rates with high damage and accuracy. This particular entry doesn’t really have any of the latter but it’s the best option for new characters! Mod recommendationsReceiver: StandardBarrel: StubGrip: StandardMagazine: N/ASights: Long ScopeMuzzle: None9. Laser MusketShortly after leaving the starting area, you’ll enter, if you’re following the quest-line anyway.
You can’t miss the Laser Musket found outside the. While it lacks the range of other rifles, this weapon has a high damage output for how early you obtain it.A horrific reload system is a nightmare to use though, so really try to use a Laser Musket at longer ranges! Mod recommendationsReceiver: StandardBarrel: Bracketed LongGrip: Full StockMagazine: N/ASights: Long ScopeMuzzle: Beam Focuser8. Pipe Bolt-Action Sniper RifleA weapon’s workbench, plenty of resources and the Gun Nut 2 perk is required to turn your Bolt-Action Pistol into a Sniper Rifle.
Or you can get lucky and find this weapon on a corpse. The main difference between this entry and the 10th entry is the receiver, as the Pipe Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle uses.50 caliber rounds instead of the low-damaging.308.It’s as close to a strong sniper rifle as you’ll get in the early game, you can actually find one in a house in Concord so I highly recommend new players pick it up as soon as possible. Mod recommendationsReceiver:.50Barrel: Long LightGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: N/ASights: Long ScopeMuzzle: Large Bayonet7. Hunting RifleHunting Rifles can be found all over the place, from raiders to your average weapon crate. With considerably high damage, acquiring a Hunting Rifle will set you up for dozens of levels to come. Absurdly good in the early game, this weapon translates well into the mid and late game, especially with workbench improvements. Mod recommendationsReceiver: StandardBarrel: Short LightGrip: Short StockMagazine: MediumSights: Medium ScopeMuzzle: None6.
Reba 2If you’re tired of searching for a half-decent rifle, Reba 2 is right up your street. A simple quest is required to obtain this weapon, simply visit and speak to. He’ll need you to switch on 5 turrets, which requires you get past a dozen or so Mirelurks.Reba 2 has the benefit of dealing 50% more damage to insects and Mirelurks. This doesn’t sound too great but if you’ve ever faced a, you’ll know exactly how much damage they can take.
Adding 50% bonus damage can significantly reduce the time it takes to get past one of these gigantic creatures.Apparently it comes standard with a normal scope equipped but mine came with the Night Vision scope shown above? Mod recommendationsReceiver:.50Barrel: Long PortedGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: Large Quick Eject MagSights: Long Recon ScopeMuzzle: Bayonet5. Plasma GunNot only does the plasma gun hit hard in terms of physical damage, it also deals some nice energy damage on top. Why is this important?
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Most enemies wear armor with either a balance or one-sided approach toward resistances. Having a weapon that hits both is deadly.A normal won’t be effective at long range but if you upgrade it with the below mods, you’ll have a potent long-range weapon.
Getting your hands on a Plasma Gun is difficult though, they’ll only start popping up in the world from level 16! Mod recommendationsReceiver: Overcharged CapacitorBarrel: Improved Sniper BarrelGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: N/ASights: Large Recon ScopeMuzzle: N/A4. Combat RifleNumber 5 to number 3 on this list are semi-automatic rifles, just letting you know. While you may only be interested in bolt-action rifles, these other weapons utilise different ammo types and it’s beneficial to use two or three different long range weapons.Equipped with a.308 receiver, the Combat Rifle will deal heavy damag at all ranges while retaining a fairly high fire-rate. To find this rifle, there are pre-set locations across the Commonwealth but they won’t spawn on raiders/gunners etc until level 15.
Mod recommendationsReceiver:.308Barrel: Long PortedGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: Medium Quick Eject MagSights: Medium ScopeMuzzle: Large Bayonet3. Laser GunReadily available to players at all levels, Laser Guns can be acquired early on and used as an alternative sniper rifle, utilising energy damage.
The addition of a sniper barrel turns a regular Laser Gun into a Laser Sniper Rifle, equipping a Fune-tuned Beam Focuser will further bolster its range and recoil.For how much damage it does, with high accuracy and range, you’d think the rate-of-fire suffered a lot but it really, really doesn’t. Every ex-vault dweller should have a Laser Gun in their inventory! Mod recommendationsReceiver: StandardBarrel: SniperGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: N/ASights: Medium ScopeMuzzle: Fine-tuned Beam Focuser2. Tinker Tom SpecialEssentially a normal hunting rifle with some extra mods, the Tinker Tom Special comes fully equipped with the Stalker trait.
Best Fallout 4 Weapon Mods Xbox One 2018
This grants exceptional accuracy in VATS while out-of-combat, although it does increase AP usage.Such a trait is amazing for starting fire-fights though, it almost guarantees a head-shot, even at far ranges! Mod recommendationsReceiver:.50Barrel: Long LightGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: Large Quick Eject MagSights: Medium ScopeMuzzle: Bayonet1. Mighty Sniper RifleYet another hunting rifle, however this one has a very special trait. The Mighty skill increases damage dealt by a whopping 25%, but you can also go for Plasma Infused which adds 10 points of energy damage. Either is great, but you shouldn’t get too attached to a sniper rifle without one of them.As soon as you receive this weapon, you’ll have the perfect sniper rifle, especially if you can out-fit it with the below mods! Mod recommendationsReceiver:.50Barrel: Long PortedGrip: Marksman’s StockMagazine: Large Quick Eject MagSights: Medium ScopeMuzzle: Bayonet. March 29, 2019 at 3:14 pmYou’re doing it all wrong!
Fallout 4 Modern Firearms Tactical Edition
🙂 Yesterday, I fell absolutely in love with my new rifle. It’s the Gauss Rifle. Yes, a Gauss Rifle with a.308 receiver, ported long barrel, large quick eject mag, and a suppressor. 325 damage, and about 4 or 5 bullets per second, this thing dropped a deathclaw with one hip-fire headshot, I’m not even joking. Give it even a medium scope, and this things accuracy is insane. Super mutants, raiders, deathclaws, legendaries, it doesn’t matter. One sots everything silently.
I freakin love it.