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45,400 AR003 Architecture fot Children Sarah Scott 2010 Rp. 31,800 AR004 Architecture in a Climate of Change A Guide to Sustainable Design Peter F. Smith 2005 Rp.

41,600 AR005 Eco-Architecture Harmonism Between Architecture and Nature G. Broadbent and C.A.Brebbia 2006 Rp. 55,000 AR006 Eco-Architecture III Harmonism Between Architecture and Nature S. Hernandez, C.A. Brebbia & W.P. Be Wilde 2010 Rp. 74,400 AR007 Modern Traditions Contemporary Architecture in India Klaus-Peter Gast 2007 Rp.

24,600 AR008 Photovoltaics and Architecture Randall Thomas, Max Fardham & Partners 2001 Rp. 28,800 AR009 Distributed and Parallel Systems From Cluster to Grid Computing Peter Kascuk,Thomas fabringer, Zoslt Nemeth 2007 Rp. 34,400 AR010 The Fundamental of Landscape Architecture Tim Watermann 2009 202 Katalog 2009 Rp. 32,200 IB001 A Glossary of Phonology Philip Carr 2008 Rp. 33,800 IB002 An Introduction to English Grammar 2nd ed Sidney Greenbaum, Gerard Nelson 2002 Rp.

44,400 IB003 Emily Dickinson: Selected Poems Mordecai Marcus 1982 Rp. 22,400 IB004 Indonesian Postcolonial Theatre: Spectral Genealogies and Absent faces Evan Darwin Winet 2010 Rp. 40,000 IB005 Joy-Bearing Grief Tears of Contrition inthe Writings of The Early Syrian and Byzantine Futhers Hannah Hunt 2004 Rp. 40,800 IB006 Tongue twisters, Limericks and Humorous verse Fiona Waters - Rp. 13,400 IB007 Successful Television Writing Zee Goldberg, William Rabkin 2003 Rp.

34,200 IB008 Writing an Assignment; How to Improve Your Research and Presentation Skills Pauline Smith 1997 Rp. 24,200 IB009 Writing Feature Articles 4th ed.

Brendan Hennessy 2006 Rp. 54,400 IB010 English Grammar for Today A new introduction Geoffrey Leech Margaret Deuchar Robert Hoogenraad 1982 Rp.

36,200 IB011 IELTS: For Academic Purpose Malcolm Mann & SteveTaylore-Knowles - Rp. 25,000 IB012 Barron's: IELTS Lin Lougheed - Rp. 34,000 IB013 Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 Vanessa Jakeman Clare McDowell 1996 Rp. 28,200 IB014 Writing for IELTS Anneli Williams 2011 Rp. 26,600 IB015 An Introduction to English Syntax Jim Miller 2002 Rp. 22,600 IB016 An Introduction to Syntax Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.

37,600 IB017 Conversation analysis: studies from the first generation Gene H. Lerner 2004 Rp. 43,200 IB018 Cross-Cultural Pragmatics The Semantics of Human Interaction Second edition Anna Wierzbicka 2003 Rp. 66,000 IB019 Civilisation progressive du franfais CLE International 2003 Rp. 28,000 IB020 EXPRESSION AND MEANING Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts JOHN R.

SEARLE 1999 Rp. 32,200 IB021 Foundations of pragmatics Wolfram Bublitz, Neal R.Norrick 2011 Rp. 84,600 IB022 Intercultural Communication A Discourse Approach Second Edition Ron Scollon and Suzanne Wong Scollon 2001 Rp. 45,200 IB023 Sequence Organization in Interaction A Primer in Conversation Analysis I Emanuel A. Schegloff 2007 Rp.

43,800 IB024 Text and Context: Explorations in the semantics and pragmatics of discourse Teun A. Van Dijk 1992 Rp.

40,200 IB025 Advances in Discourse Studies Vijay K. Bhatia, John Flowerdew and Rodney H.

Jone 2008 Rp. 39,400 IB026 Advances in spoken discourse analysis Malcolm Coulthard 1992 Rp. 39,400 IB027 Articulatory Phonetics 4e Anita C. Bickford & Rick Floyd 2006 Rp. 34,800 IB028 Bahasa Indonesia: Darl Awam, Mahasiswa, sampai Wartawan Sugihastuti 2003 Rp. 31,800 IB029 Cambridge IELTS 3: Examination papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate Cambridge University Press 2003 Rp.

30,000 IB030 Cambridge IELTS 5 Examination papersfrom University of Cambridge ESOLExaminations: English for Spe Cambridge University Press 2006 Rp. 29,800 IB031 Continuum Companion to SystemicFunctional Linguistics M.A.K. HallidayandJonathan J.

Webster 2009 Rp. 42,800 IB032 Datives and Other Cases: Betweenargument structure and event structure Daniel Hole, Andr 2006 Rp. 51,800 IB033 Dear Nobody -Rp. 14,200 IB034 An introduction to sociolinguistics 5e Ronald Wardhaugh 2006 Rp. 54,600 IB035 Politeness in language: studies in itshistory, theory, and practice Richard J.Watts, Sachiko Ide, Konrad Ehlich 2005 Rp.

57,200 IB036 Pragmatics across languages and cultures Anna Trosborg 2010 Rp. 77,800 IB037 EKONOMI PARIWISATA: Introduksi,Informasi, dan Aplikasi Drs.

Yoeti, MBA 2008 Rp. 41,400 IB038 The Oxford Handbook of LiguisticFieldwork Nicholas Thieberger 2012 Rp. 67,800 IB039 Ancient Indonesian Art A.J. Bernet kempes 1959 Rp. 51,800 IB040 Interlanguage pragmatics Gabriele Kasper and Shoshana Blum-Kulka 1993 Rp. 38,000 IB041 Introducing arguments Liina Pylkkanen 2008 Rp. 29,400 IB042 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 1813 Rp.

43,400 IB043 MOUSSONS: Recherche en scienceshumaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est / SocialScience Research on Southea 2012 Rp. 35,600 IB044 JALAN RAYA POS,JALAN DAENDELS Pramoedya Ananta Toer 2005 Rp. 28,400 IB045 Lolita Vladimir Nabokov Rp. 70,600 IB046 Longman complete course for the TOEFLtest: preparation for thecomputer and paper tests Deborah Phillips 2001 Rp.

80,800 IB047 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1885 Rp. 38,200 IB048 Mekka in the Latter Part ofthe 19th Century C.

Snouck Hurgronje 2007 Rp. 37,200 IB049 My cocaine museum Michael Taussig 2004 Rp. 48,000 IB050 The devil and commodity fetishism in South America Michael Taussig 2010 Rp. 43,600 IB051 Minna no Nihonggo I - 2006 Rp. 38,000 IB052 BAHAN AJAR CETAK: PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KESEHATAN Victor G Simanjuntak, dkk 2008 Rp.

68,000 IB053 Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa -Bangsa dan Statuta Mahkamah Intemasional PBB - Rp. 21,600 IB054 BDE 1205 ORAL ENGLISH II: PRONUNCIATION 2 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES UN Rp.

29,800 IB055 Cerita Rakyat SIMALUNGUN: Cerita Kancil Diterjemahkan oleh BENJAMIN SARAGIHDikumpulkan ol 1980 Rp. 26,400 IB056 Spoken thai in Everyday Use -Rp. 26,000 IB057 Syntax: An introduction vol I T.Gi v 2001 Rp. 64,000 IB058 Syntax: An introduction vol II T.

53,800 IB059 Text, Context, Pretext:Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis H. Widdowson 2004 Rp. 31,800 IB060 The role of semantic, pragmatic, and discourse factors in the development of Case J 2009 Rp. 57,800 IB061 THE SECRET GARDEN FRANCES HODGSONBURNETT - Rp. 44,800 IB062 Tourism and the Economy James Mak 2004 Rp. 40,000 IB063 Understanding Morphology Martin Haspelmath 2002 Rp.

42,600 IB064 Othello William Shakespeare 1603 Rp. 31,200 IB065 WINNING BODY LANGUAGE: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message Wi Mark Bowden 2010 Rp. 37,800 IB066 The World Atlas of Language Structures M Haspelmath, M Dryer, D Gil, B Comrie 2005 Rp. 83,200 IB067 The Least You Should Know about English: Writing Skills, Form A, Eleventh Edition Paige Wilson and Teresa Ferster Glazier 2012 Rp. 45,000 EK001 101 Ways to Advertise Your business Andrew Griffiths 2004 Rp. 37,600 EK002 A Behavioral Approach to Asset Priceng Hersh Shefrin 2005 Rp.

63,300 EK003 Accounting for Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making Paul M. Collier 2003 Rp. 61,600 EK004 Accounting, Accountants and Accountability: Poststructuralist Positions Norman Belding Macintosh 2002 Rp. 30,200 EK005 Advances in Financial Economics Vol. 6 Mark Hirschesy - Rp.

35,200 EK006 Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing L. Renneboog 2006 Rp. 69,000 EK007 Asset and Risk Management: Risk Oriented Finance Louis Esch, R.

Lopez 2005 Rp. 53,600 EK008 Asset Allocation Balancing Financial Risk 4th ed.

Gibson 2008 Rp. 50,600 EK009 Asset Dedication: How to Grow Wealthy With the Next Generation of Asset Allocation Stephen J. Brent Burns 2005 Rp. 45,600 EK010 Asset Prices and Monetary Policy John Y. Campbell 2008 Rp.

56,400 EK011 Asset Prices, Booms and Recessions: Financial Economics from a Dynamic Perspective 2nd ed. Willi Semler 2006 Rp. 37,000 EK012 Asset procing for Dynamic Economies Sumru Altug, PamellaLabadie 2008 Rp. 72,200 EK013 Asset pricing revised edition John H. Cochrane 2005 Rp. 67,400 EK014 Asymetric Returns; the Future of Asset management Alexander M.

Ineichen 2007 Rp. 47,600 EK015 Big Business Marketing for small Business Budget jeanette Maw McMurty 2003 Rp. 44,200 EK016 Business Development: A Guide to Small Business Strategy David butler 2001 Rp.

32,400 EK017 Busienss Palnning: A Guide To small Business Start Up David butler 2000 Rp. 40,900 EK018 Business Plans Handbook Vol. Pearce 2008 Rp. 48,800 EK019 Business to Business market research; understanding and Measuring Business Markets 2005 Rp. 44,200 EK020 Capital Asset Investment: Strategy, Tactics and Tools Anthony F. Herbst 2002 Rp.

45,800 EK021 Central banking, Asset prices and Financial Fragility Eric Tymoigne 2009 Rp. 45,800 EK022 Construction Businesss Management: A Guide to Contracting for Business Succes Nick B. Ganaway 2008 Rp. 34,400 EK023 Contemporary Thoughts on Corporate Branding and Corporate Identity management T.C. Melewar and ElifKaraosmanoglu - Rp. 36,400 EK024 Corporate Crisis and Risk Management: Modelling, Strategies and SME Application M.

Aba-Bulbu, Sardar M.N. Islam 2007 Rp. 50,600 EK025 Corporate Decision Making With Macroeconomics Uncertainty Lars Oxelheim, Clas Wihlborg 2008 Rp. 37,600 EK026 Corporate environtmental management John Darabaris 2008 Rp. 34,400 EK027 Corporate event project management William O'Toole, Phyllis Mikolaitis 2002 Rp.

42,600 EK028 Corporate Financial Policy and R and D Management 2nd ed John B. 42,800 EK029 Corporate Governence and labour Management; an International Comparison Howard Gospel, Andrew Pandleton 2005 Rp. 32,800 EK030 Designing World Class Corporate Strategies: valuie Creating Roles for Corporate Centres Keith Ward, Cliff Bowman, Andrew kakabadse 2005 Rp. 43,400 EK031 Corporate Reputations branding & People Management: A Strategic Approach to HR 2006 Rp. 52,200 EK032 Corporate Risk Management 2nd ed Tony Merna, Faisal F.

Althani 2008 Rp. 56,400 EK033 Corporate Sustainability as a Chalange for Comprehensive Management Klaus J. Zink 2008 Rp. 40,000 EK034 Corporate value of enterprise Risk Mangement; The Next Step in Business Management Sim Segal 2011 Rp. 54,800 EK035 Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management Joe E. Amadi-Echendu et.al 2010 Rp. 53,600 EK036 Dictionry of Business; A Definitive Guide To Technology and Business Terms 2nd ed.

Francis Botto 2003 Rp. 50,000 EK037 Digital Asset Mangement: How To Realise The value of Video and images Libraries Davis Austerberry 2004 Rp. 49,000 EK038 Due Dilligence Handbook; Corporate Governence, Risk Management and Business Planning linda S. Spedding - Rp.

87,000 EK039 Efficient Asset Management, A Practical Guide to Stock Portofolio Optimization and Asset Allocation Richard O Michaud, Robert O. Michaud 2008 Rp. 26,600 EK040 Engineering Asset Mangement; Proceeding of the 4th WCEAM 2009 Rp. 111,800 EK041 Five Key Principles of Corporate Performance Management Bob Paladino 2007 Rp. 52,200 EK042 Handbook of Asset and Liability management Vol. 2: Application & Case Study S.A.

Ziemba 2007 Rp. 80,600 EK043 Handbook of Asset and Liability management Vol. 1: Application & Case Study 2006 Rp. 63,000 EK044 Handbook of Management Accounting Research Vol. Chapman, A.G. Hopwood, M.D.

Shields 2007 Rp. 68,200 EK045 How to Prepare a Business Plan E. Blackwell 1998 Rp. 27,600 EK046 How to Run Your Business by the Book: A biblical Blueprint to Bless Your Business Dave Anderson 2009 Rp. 36,400 EK047 HR for Small Business: An Essential Guide for Manageres, Human Resources Proffesionals and Small Bu Charles H.

Fleischer 2009 Rp. 55,600 EK048 Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility jan Jonker, Marko de Witte 2006 Rp. 49,200 EK049 Managing Business Risk: A Practical Guide to Protecting Yaour Business 7th ed Jonathan Reuvid 2010 Rp. 46,600 EK050 Physical Asset Management Nicholas A.J. Hastings 2010 Rp.

50,400 EK051 Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business: How to Protect your business, Customers and Employees Judith M. Collins 2005 Rp. 37,800 EK052 Private Equity as an Asset Class Guy Fraser-Sampson 2007 Rp.

40,600 EK053 Property and Management 2nd ed Douglass Scarrett 1983 Rp. 40,400 EK054 Risk Management and Value: Valuation & Asset Pricing Robert M. 76,600 EK055 Security Supervision and Management: Theory and Practice of Asset Protection 3rd ed.

Davies, Christopher Hertig 2008 Rp. 70,000 EK056 Speculative Management: Stock Market Power and Corporate Change Dan Krier 2005 Rp. 45,000 EK057 Stolen Asset Recovery: A good Practice Guide for Non-Conviction Bassed Asset forferture T.S. Greenberg et.al. 40,400 EK058 Talk Up Your Business: How to Make The Most of Opportunities to Promote and Grow Your Small Busines 2005 Rp.

32,600 EK059 The Big Book of Small business Tom Gegax - Rp. 56,600 EK060 The Finance and Accounting Desktop Guide: Accounting Literacy for the nonfinancial Manager 2nd ed Ralph Tiffin 2007 Rp. 45,000 EK061 The Handbook of Commercial Real Estate Investing John McMahan 2006 Rp. 52,600 EK062 The New Science of Asset Allocation: Risk Management in a Multi Asset World Thomas Schneeweis et.al. 43,800 EK063 The Theory and Practice of Investment Management 2nd ed.

Fabozzi, Harry M. Markowitz 2011 Rp. 84,600 EK064 The Var Implemenation Handbook Greg N. Gregorious 2009 Rp. 68,200 EK065 Theory of Asset Pricing George Pennachi - Rp.

70,200 EK066 Business The Bill Gates Way -Rp. 31,000 EL001 Advanced Control Engineering Roland S.

Burns 2001 Rp. 58,600 EL002 Protocols and architectures for wireless sensor networks Holger Karl, Andreas Willig 2005 Rp. 62,800 EL003 Android Apps For Absolute Beginners Wallace Jackson 2011 Rp. 45,600 EL004 Beginning Android Games Mario Zechner - Rp. 80,000 EL005 Android Programming Tutorials Mark L.

Murphy 2011 Rp. 45,400 EL006 AndroidTM Application Development For Dummies Donn Felker with Joshua Dobbs 2011 Rp. 50,800 EL007 Beginning Android 3 Mark L. 70,200 EL008 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3e Stuart Russell - Rp. 127,200 EL009 Artificial intelligence: a guide to intelligent systems Michael Negnevitsky 2002 Rp. 55,600 EL010 Beginning Android Wei-Meng Lee 2011 Rp.

41,000 EL011 Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices Earle Castledine, Myles Eftos, and Max Wheeler 2011 Rp. 40,000 EL012 Building Wireless Sensor Networks Robert Faludi 2011 Rp. 44,200 EL013 Measurement and Instrumentation Principles Alan S. Morris 2001 Rp. 61,200 EL014 Digital design: principles and practices 4e John F. Wakerly 2006 Rp.

103,800 EL015 ENGINEERING COURSEN STUDENT PT YOKOGAWA INDONESIA 2008 Rp. 29,800 EL016 Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and applications Tim Wilmshurst 2007 Rp. 70,400 EL017 Digital control of dynamic systems 3e Gene F. Franklin,David Powell, Michael L. Workman 1997 Rp.

89,000 EL018 -Rp. 0 EL019 Digital electronics: principles, devices, and applications Anil Kumar Maini 2007 Rp. 86,200 EL020 Oracle Oracle 2005 Rp. 97,200 EL021 Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Models Dimitri P. Bertsekas 1998 Rp.

39,000 EL022 Electrical machines. And POWN systems 5e Theodore Wildi 2002 Rp. 102,800 EL023 Electronics explained: the new systems approach to learning electronics Louis E. Frenzel, Jr 2010 Rp. 46,400 EL024 Handbook of sensor networks: compact wireless and wired sensing systems Mohammad Ilyas and Imad Mahgoub 2005 Rp.

89,600 EL025 Introduction to logic design 2e Sajjan G. Shiva 1998 Rp. 73,600 EL026 Just Enough Programming Logic and Design Joyce Farrell 2010 Rp. 37,600 EL027 Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing Mary Attenborough 2003 Rp. 68,200 EL028 Measurement and Instrumentation Principles Alan S. Morris 2001 Rp. 61,200 EL029 Instructor's Solutions Manual for Modern Control Systems 12e Richard C.

Dorf & Robert H. Bishop 2010 Rp. 87,400 EL030 Professional Android Reto Meier 2010 Rp. 70,000 EL031 Professional Android Reto Meier 2009 Rp. 55,400 EL032 Programming Android Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, and 2011 Rp.

62,200 EL033 Remote Sensing: Models and Methods for Image Processing Third Edition Robert A. Schowengerdt 2007 Rp.

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67,800 EL034 Simulasi Elektronik Menggunakan Pspice Agfianto Eko Putra 2007 Rp. 29,800 EL035 Python Programming Fundamentals Kent D. 37,600 EL036 APPLIED PHOTOVOLTAICS Second Edition S.R. Corkish 2007 Rp. 45,600 EL037 Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Mohammed J.

Kabir 2003 Rp. 103,600 EL038 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS SeCOND EDITION Williant Stallings 2005 Rp. 69,000 GE001 Applied Sedimentology Richard C. 59,400 GE002 Coal and the Environment Stephen E. Greb 2006 Rp.

18,800 GE003 Earth Structure: An introduction to Structural Geology and tectonics 2nd ed. Van der Pluijm, Stephen Marshak 2004 Rp.

79,400 GE004 Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks Gerard V. Middleton - Rp.

97,000 GE005 Engineering Geology for underground Rocks Suping Peng, Jincai Zhang 2007 Rp. 45,600 GE006 Engineering Geology 2nd ed. Bell 2007 Rp.

71,400 GE007 Environmental Geology james S. Richard 2011 Rp.

71,400 GE008 Essential of Geology 11th ed. Lutgens, tarbuck, Tasa 2006 Rp. 69,800 GE009 Field Methods for Petroleum Geologist: A Guide To Computerized Correlation Charts Application in No Fakhry A. Assad 2009 Rp. 24,200 GE010 Fonudation of Engineering Geology 3rd Ed.

Tony Waltham 2009 Rp. 22,600 GE011 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 2nd ed. Gary nichols 2009 Rp.

55,200 GE012 Development in Petroleum Science 5: Oil Shale - 1976 Rp. 42,600 GE013 Earth Science: Geology Earth Science: Geology - Rp. 16,800 GE014 Introduction to Medical Geology: Focus on Tropical Environments C.B. Dissanayake, R.

Chandrajith 2009 Rp. 42,600 GE015 BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2011 BP 2011 Rp. 17,000 GE016 Marginal Basin Geology: Volcanic and Associated Sedimentary and Tectonic Processes in Modern and An B.P. Kokelaar, M.F. Howells 1984 Rp. 42,800 GE017 Medical Geology: A Regional Synthesis Olle Selinus, Robert B. Finkelman, Jose A.

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Conteno 2010 Rp. 53,000 GE018 Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks 2nd ed. Sam Boggs Jr. 73,200 GE019 Plate Tectonics: Continental Drifts and Mountain Building Wolfgang Frisch, Martin Meschede, Ronald blakey 2011 Rp.

33,800 GE020 Rocks: Geology: Landform, minerals and Rocks John P. Rafferty 2012 Rp. 41,600 GE021 Seabed Fluid Flow: The impacton Geology, Biology and the Marine Environment Alan Judd, Martin Hovland 2007 Rp. 61,400 GE022 Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course inStructural Geology3rd ed. Rowland, E.M.

Doubendorfer, I.M. Scheitelbein 2007 Rp.

44,200 GE023 Sreuctural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques 4th ed. Ragan 2009 Rp. 74,200 GE024 Structural Geology in Reservoir Characterization M.P.

Johnson 1998 Rp. 38,600 GE025 Eyewitness: Crystal and Gem R.F.

Harding 2007 Rp. 19,600 GE026 The Geology of Fluvial Deposits: Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis and Petroleum Geology A.D. Miall 2006 Rp. 72,000 GE027 Minerals and Rocks J.R.

Wilson 2010 Rp. 28,400 GE028 CARBONATE RESERVOIRS Porosity Evolution and Diagenesis in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework CLYDE H.

MOORE 2001 Rp. 58,000 GE029 The Changing Earth 5ed James S. Monroe, Reed Wicander - Rp. 87,200 GE030 Engineering rock mass classification: tunneling, foundations, and landslides Bhawani Singh 2001 Rp. 50,200 GE031 Applied hydrogeology 4e c.w. Fetter 2001 Rp. 73,600 GE032 Geology Applied to Engineering Terry R.

West 2010 Rp. 69,600 GE033 Applied Sedimentology Richard C. 59,400 GE034 Tunnelling in Weak Rocks Bhawani Singh 2006 Rp. 63,000 GE035 PRINCIPLES OF SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OCTAVIAN CATUNEANU 2006 Rp.

50,800 GE036 Practical Sequence Stratigraphy Ashton Embry 2009 Rp. 20,200 GE037 Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series Gerard V. Middleton - Rp. 97,000 GE038 Foundations on Rock Duncan C.Wyllie 1999 Rp.

57,800 GE039 Geologi Untuk Teknik Sipil P.N.W. Verhoef 1994 Rp. 45,200 GE040 Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy 4e Sam Boggs, Jr 2006 Rp. 80,200 GE041 Groundwater hydrology 2e David Keith Todd 1980 Rp. 67,200 GE042 Igneous and metamorphic petrology 2e Myron G. Best 2003 Rp. 87,800 GE043 Engineering Rock mechanics an introduction to the principles Part 1 John A.

Hudson 1997 Rp. 57,800 GE044 Engineering rock mechanics: part 2 John R Harrison - Rp. 65,000 GE045 Geologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi edisi 2 RP Koesoemadinata 1780 Rp. 46,400 GE046 Introduction to Organic Geochemistry 2e Stephen Killops andVanessa Killops 2005 Rp. 52,000 GE047 PETROLOGY: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic THIRD EDITION HARVEY BLATT 2006 Rp. 67,200 GE048 Practical Rock Engineering Evert Hoek 2006 Rp. 35,800 GE049 Physical and chemical hydrogeology 2e Patrick A.

Domenico, Franklin W. Schwart 1997 Rp.

64,000 GE050 SEM Petrology Atlas Joann E. Welton 1984 Rp. 37,800 GE051 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques 4e donal m.

Ragan 2009 Rp. 74,200 GE052 SUPPORT OF UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS IN HARD ROCK Evert Hoek 1998 Rp. 34,800 GE053 The Challenger Foraminifera ROBERT WYNN JONES 1994 Rp. 42,000 HK001 Black's Law Dictionary 8th ed Bryan A.

Gorner 2004 Rp. 554,600 HK002 Eco Crime and Generally Modified Food Reece Walters 2011 Rp. 29,400 HK003 Human Rights and The Environmental: Philosophical, Theoritical, and Legal Perspectives Linda Hajjar Leib 2011 Rp. 31,400 HK004 Join Operating Agreements: A Practical Guide Peter Roberts 2010 Rp. 42,600 HK005 The Environment, Risk and Liability in International Law: Legal Aspect of Sustainable Development Julio Barboza 2011 Rp.

35,200 HK006 The International Comparative Legal Guide to Environmental Law 2009 GLG 2009 Rp. 56,600 HK007 Transnational Environmental Crime:Toward an Eco-Global Criminology Rob White 2011 Rp. 31,400 KH001 Domestic animal behaviour and welfare 4e Donald M.

Brooin and Andrew F. Fraser 2007 Rp. 56,800 KH002 The ethology of domestic animals: anintroductory text Per Jensen 2002 Rp. 35,000 KH003 Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals Textbook and Colour Atlas H. Liebich 2004 Rp. 82,000 KH004 Veterinary clinical parasitology 8e Anne M. Zajac, Gary A.

Conboy 2012 Rp. 48,800 KH005 Veterinary immunology 9e Ian Tizard 2013 Rp.

73,600 KS001 Early Nutrition: Impact on Short and Long Term Health Hans van Goudoever, Stefano Guandalini, Ronald E. 39,800 KS002 Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism 4th ed. Bender 2008 Rp. 56,000 KS003 Adolescent Health Services: Missing Opportunties R.S. Lawrence, Jennifer Appleton Gootman, L.J. 48,800 KS004 Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research: MentalHealth Researc from Theory to Practice Mike Slade, Stefan Riebe 2006 Rp.

43,600 KS005 Health Behaviour and Health Education: Theory,Research and Practice 4th ed. Karen Glanz, BarbaraK.

Viswanath 2008 Rp. 71,000 KS006 Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health Effects of Wirel F.S. Barness et.al. 20,000 KS007 Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology A. Stamatios, G. Antoniou, C.L. Cooper 2005 Rp.

83,600 KS008 Review of Federal Strategy for Nano- Technology Related Environmental, health and Safety research David L. Eaton 2009 Rp. 25,200 KS009 Seasonal Forecast, ClimateChange and Human Health Madelaine C. Thomson, Ricardo Garcia-Herrera, Vlas 2008 Rp. 35,200 KS010 The Research Companion: A Practical Guide for the Social and Health Science Petra M. Boynton 2005 Rp.

32,800 KS011 HANDBOOK OF OPTIMIZATION IN MEDICINE PANOS M. PARDALOS 2009 Rp. 57,200 KS012 Konsensus Infeksi Saluran Kemih pada Anak IDAI 2011 Rp. 52,800 KS013 Nelson textbook of pediatrics. Kliegman 2011 Rp.

516,200 KS014 Nutrigenomics and proteomics in health and disease: food factors and gene interactions Yoshinori Mine Kazuo Miyashita Fereidoon Shahidi 2009 Rp. 51,800 KS015 Pocket book of hospital care for children: guidelines for the management of common illnesses with l WHO 2005 Rp. 51,800 MP001 Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 2e ANDY FIELD 2005 Rp. 93,600 MP002 Applied Statistics Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R Joaquim P.

Marques de S 2007 Rp. 64,000 MP003 SCHAUM ROGER L. TOKHEIM, M.S. 48,200 MP004 SCHAUM MERLE C. POTTER, Ph.D. 38,000 MP005 Fundamental of Physics 9e David Halliday, Robert, Resnick, Jearl Walker 2011 Rp. 145,000 MP006 Herpetology 3e Laurie J.

Vitt, Janalee P. Caldwell 2009 Rp. 83,400 MP007 Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology Fourth Edition Russell K. Hobbie Bradley J. Roth 2007 Rp.

73,600 MP008 METODE RESEARCH (Penelitian Ilmiah) Prof. Nasution, M.A. 28,200 MP009 Multivariate Data Analysis 7e Joseph F. 88,200 MP010 Fisika Untuk Sains dan Teknik Jilid 2 Paul A. Tipler: alih bahasa, Bambang Soegijono; ed 2001 Rp. 86,600 MP011 Schaum BY MURRAY R.

SPIEGEL,JOHN SCHILLER, AND R. ALU SR 2001 Rp. 28,000 MP012 Schaum's Outlines: Calculus 5e Frank Ayres, Jr., PhD 2009 Rp. 66,800 MP013 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of signals and systems Hwei P.

60,400 MP014 Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists E I G H T H E D I T I ON Ronald E. Walpole 2007 Rp. 94,400 MP015 Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th Ed (Solution) -Rp. 185,400 MP016 Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th Ed Yunus A. 108,400 PT001 ACTINOMYCETES AND FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH MARINE INVERTEBRATES: A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF BIOACTIVE COMPO Nor Ainy Mahyudin 2008 Rp.

35,200 PT002 Plant pathology 5e George Agrios 2004 Rp. 106,800 PT003 BERGEY George M. 44,800 PT004 Biotechnology procedures and experiments handbook S. Harisha 2007 Rp. 83,200 PT005 Gene cloning: principles and applications Julia Lodge, Pete Lund & Steve Minchin 2007 Rp. 59,400 PT006 Natural products from marine bacteria M.

Wael AL-Zereini 2006 Rp. 33,000 PT007 Non-viral Gene Therapy Gene Design and Delivery K. Niidome 2005 Rp. 61,000 PT008 Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture 3rd Edition Edwin F. George 2008 Rp. 62,400 PT009 Prebiotics and Probiotics Science and Technology Dimitris Charalampopoulos, Robert A. Rastall 2009 Rp.

139,400 SP001 Aging and identity: a humanities perspective Sara Munson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker 1999 Rp. 38,800 SP002 Analyzing qualitative data Alan Bryman and Robert G.Burgess 1994 Rp. 36,600 SP003 A Brief History of Neoliberalism David Harvey 2005 Rp.

37,600 SP004 Designing Qualitative Research Uwe Flick 2007 Rp. 26,600 SP005 Empire and Neoliberalism in Asia Vedi R. Hadiz 2006 Rp. 44,000 SP006 Ethnography Third Edition David M. Fetterman 2010 Rp. 32,000 SP007 Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences James E.

Birren 2006 Rp. 66,000 SP008 Handbook of theories of aging Vern Bengtson et.al. 93,600 SP009 International Handbook of Population Aging Volume 1 Dudley L.

Poston, Jr 2009 Rp. 87,800 SP010 Library 2.0: A Guide to Participatory Library Service Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk 2007 Rp.

32,000 SP011 Reorganising Power in Indonesia Richard Robison and Vedi R. Hadiz 2004 Rp. 44,400 SP012 Monarchy in South-East Asia: the faces of tradition in transition Roger Kershaw 2001 Rp. 42,400 SP013 FAMILIES IN TRANSITION: Social change, family formation and kin relationships Nickie Charles, Charlotte Aull Davies and Chris Ha Rp.

40,800 SP014 Social Work with Older People Second Edition KARIN CRAWFORD AND JANETWALKER 2008 Rp. 32,200 SP015 The Revival of Tradition in Indonesian PoliticsThe deployment of adat from colonialism to indigenis Edited by Jamie S. Davidson and David Henley 2007 Rp. 51,800 SP016 Localising Power in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia A Southeast Asia Perspective Vedi R.

Hadiz 2010 Rp. 38,600 SP017 Working with older people Denise Tanner and John Harris 2008 Rp. 40,400 SP018 Culturally Speaking Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory Helen Spencer-Oatey 2000 Rp. 50,600 SP019 Hutan, Lingkungan dan Paradigma Pembangunan Siahaan, N.H.T. 50,000 SP020 MANAGING THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY: EXPLORING GOOD PRACTICE European University Association 2007 Rp.

23,200 SP021 Politeness in East Asia D 2011 Rp. 45,000 SP022 Rethinking popular representation Olle T 2009 Rp. 40,800 SP023 Patrons, Clients, and Policies Patterns of Democratic Accountability and Political Competition Herbert Kitschelt and Steven I.

Wilkinson 2007 Rp. 50,800 SP024 Cities Full of Symbols: A Theory of Urban Space and Culture Peter J.M. 42,600 SP025 An empowering approach to managing social service organizations Donna Hardina 2007 Rp. 58,200 SP026 An Introduction to Social Constructionism Vivien Burr 1995 Rp.

27,600 SP027 Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring discourses, counter-tendencies and violence Alberto Arce and Norman Long 2000 Rp. 36,600 SP028 The Will to Improve: Perencanaan, Kekuasaan, dan Pembangunan di Indonesia Marjin Kiri 2002 Rp. 66,800 SP029 Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory Strauss, Anselm L.; Corbin, Juliet M. 45,400 SP030 CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON AGEING SOCIETIES Miriam Bernard and Thomas Scharf 2007 Rp. 31,800 SP031 Demokrasi di Atas Pasir - Kemajuan danKemunduran Demokratisasi di Indonesia Willy Purna SamadhiNicolaas Warouw 2009 Rp. 41,000 SP032 Planning the megacity: Jakarta in the twentieth century Christopher Silver 2008 Rp.

39,400 SP033 FILSAFA T ILMU: Sebuah Pengantar populer Jujun S. Suriasumantri 2007 Rp. 50,400 SP034 Handbook of theories of aging 2e Vern Bengtson. et al.

2009 Rp. 93,800 SP035 integrated system of care for older people: new care for old Christopher Foote and Christine Stanners 2003 Rp. 50,600 SP036 Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler Rp.

67,800 SP037 -Rp. 0 SP038 Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman & Early Christian Antiquity Seeing the Gods JAS 2005 Rp. 65,200 SP039 Resilience in Aging Concepts, Research, and Outcomes Barbara Resnick, Lisa P.Gwyther & Karen A.Robert 2011 Rp.

50,600 SP040 Social work and empowerment 3e Robert Adams 2003 Rp. 35,200 SP041 Pengantar sosiologi (edisi revisl) Kamanto Sunarto 2004 Rp. 40,600 SP042 The empowerment approach to social work practice 2e Judith A. 65,800 SP043 The ethnography of communication: an introduction 3e Muriel Saville-Troike 2003 Rp. 45,800 SP044 A HISTORY OF MODERN INDONESIA ADRIAN VICKERS 2005 Rp.

42,800 SP045 THE AID EFFECTGiving and Governing in International Development David Mosse and David Lewis 2005 Rp. 34,800 TK001 Vegetable Oils in Food Technology Composition, Properties and Uses Second Edition Frank D. Gunstone 2011 Rp. 48,800 TK002 Integrated Biomaterials Science ROLANDO BARBUCCI 2002 Rp.

118,800 TK003 Physical Chemistry, Ninth Edition Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula 2010 Rp. 113,000 TK004 Dasar-dasar Biokimia Jilid 1 ALBERT L. LEHNINGER 1982 Rp. 53,800 TK005 Separation process principles: chemical and biochemical operations 3e J. Seader, Ernest J. Keith Roper 2010 Rp. 97,000 TK006 Industrial minerals and their uses: a handbook and formulary Peter A Ciullo 1996 Rp.

76,000 TK007 Adsorbents: fundamentals and applications Ralph T. Yang 2003 Rp. 54,600 TK008 Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics 6e J. M.Abbott 2001 Rp. 87,000 TK009 Adsorption engineering Motoyuki Suzuki 1990 Rp.

39,800 TS001 Analyzing Uncertainty in Civil Engineering Wolfgang Fellin et.al. 36,400 TS002 BayesianMethods for Structurl Dynamics and Civil Engineering Ka-Veng Yuen 2010 Rp. 43,200 TS003 Civil Engineering Formulas Tyler G. Hicks 2010 Rp. 53,400 TS004 Civil Engineering Hydraulics 3rd ed.

Featherstone, C. Nalurri 1995 Rp. 53,000 TS005 Civil Engineering Project Management Alan Twort, Gordon Rees 2004 Rp. 41,400 TS006 Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods 7th ed. Peurifoy et.al. 51,600 TS007 Fundamental of Civil Engineering: An Introduction to the ASCE Body Knowledge R.H.

Wung 2011 Rp. 35,200 TS008 Principles of Structural Stability Theory Alexander Chajes - Rp. 29,400 TS009 Rock Mass Classification: A Practical Approach in Civil Engineering B. Goel 1999 Rp. 40,200 TS010 Reliability-Based Design in Geothermal Engineering Computations and Applications Kok-Kwang Phoon 2008 Rp.

66,600 TS011 Service Life Estiation and Extension of Civil Engineering Structures Vishasp M. Karbhari, Luke S. 43,200 TS012 Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structure: Using Externally-Bonded FRPComposites in Structura L.C.

Hollaway, M.B. Leeming 2001 Rp. 45,400 TS013 Vibration of Soil and Foundations E. 33,600 TS014 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 10e ERWIN KREYSZIG 2011 Rp. 140,400 TS015 Manajemen Bandar Udara - Seri 1 Arista Atmadjati, S.E., M.M 2012 Rp.

30,400 TS016 GEOLOGIE VOOR DE CIVIEL INGENIEUR TH Delft 1985 Rp. 45,200 TS017 Menarik Pelajaran dari 50 Tahun Perjalanan Pereneanaan Wilayah dan Kota di Indonesia Myra P. Gunawan, Siti Sutriah Nurzaman, Suwardjoko 2011 Rp. 52,200 TS018 MICRO-HYDRO DESIGN MANUALA guide. To slllall-scale water power schellles Adam Harvey 1993 Rp. 52,400 TS019 INTRODUCTION TO URBAN PLANNING McGraw 1984 Rp.


100,600 TS023 STATISTIK JILID II Prof. Sutrlsno Hadi, M.A 1988 Rp. 35,200 TS024 Termodinamika Teknik WI LLIAM C. REYNOLDS 1996 Rp. 76,000 MI001 Advances in traffic psychology edited by Lisa Dorn andMark Sullman 2012 Rp. 45,000 MI002 Armored Cav Tom Clancy 1994 Rp.

44,400 MI003 Asylum-seeking, migration and church susanna snyder 2012 Rp. 43,000 MI004 Designing safe road systems: a human factors perspective Jan Theeuwes, Richard van der Horst, and Maria Kui 2012 Rp. 31,000 MI005 Europe and the maritime world: a twentieth-century history Michael B. Miller 2012 Rp. 57,200 MI006 Experiences of poverty in late medieval and early modern England and France Anne M.

Scott 2012 Rp. 47,800 MI007 Federalism: a normative theory and its practical relevance Kyle Scott 2011 Rp. 34,400 MI008 Information Warfare and Organizational Decision-Making Alexander Kott 2007 Rp. 41,400 MI009 The Ashgate research rompanion to intunational trade policy Kenneth Heydon andStephan Woolcock 2012 Rp. 89,400 MI010 Knowing Al-Qaeda: the epistemology of terrorism Christina Hellmich and Andreas Behnke 2001 Rp. 31,000 MI011 Language, ideology, and the human: newinterventions Sanja Bahun Du 2012 Rp. 39,000 MI012 Little angels: an international legal perspective on child discrimination Anne-Marie Mooney Cotter 2012 Rp.

50,400 MI013 Balance of Power Theory and Practice 2004 Rp. 52,200 MI014 Modern warfare, intelligence and deterrence: the technologies that are transforming them Benjamin Sutherland 2011 Rp. 44,200 MI015 The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owens Theology Mark Jones 2012 Rp.

47,400 MI016 Pilgrims and politics: rediscovering the power of the pilgrimage Ant 2012 Rp. 34,200 MI017 Pre-accident investigations: an introduction to organizational safety Todd Conklin 2012 Rp. 27,700 MI018 Prison violence: causes, consequences, and solutions Kristine Leva n 2012 Rp. 28,600 MI019 Qualitative research skills for social work: theory and practice Malcolm Carey 2012 Rp. 39,200 MI020 Regionalism and the Humanities Timothy R. Mahoney and Wendy J.

Katz 2008 Rp. 49,200 MI021 Religion and the news Jolyon Mitchell and Owen Gower 2012 Rp. 38,400 MI022 Roscoe and Italy: the reception of Italian Renaissance history and culture in the eighteenth and ni Stella Fletcher 2012 Rp. 38,600 MI023 Science, Strategy and War The strategic theory of John Boyd Frans P.B.

Osinga 2007 Rp. 44,800 MI024 Social work and social exclusion: the idea of practice Michael Sheppard 2006 Rp. 41,000 MI025 THE ART OF WAR SUN TZU 2010 Rp. 34,000 MI026 The Ashgate research companion to ethics and international relations Patrick Hayden 2009 Rp. 62,400 MI027 TOM CLANCY CARRIER A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier Tom Clancy 1999 Rp.

45,000 MI028 The Basics of Cyber Warfare Understanding the Fundamentals of Cyber Warfare in Theory and Practice Steve Winterfeld Jason Andress 2013 Rp. 29,000 MI029 The dual state: parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the national security complex Eric Wilson 2012 Rp. 49,800 MI030 TOM CLANCY ARMORES CAV A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment Tom Clancy 1994 Rp. 44,800 MI031 The explorer Sarah K. Danielsson 2012 Rp. 43,600 MI032 The human factors of fratricide Laura Rafferty, Neville A. Stanton and Guy H.

Walk 2012 Rp. 37,600 MI033 The nature of the soul: the soul as narrative Terrance W. Klein 2012 Rp. 29,000 MI034 The Politics of the European Union Herman Lelieveldt and Sebastiaan Princen 2012 Rp. 46,000 MI035 The rise of the Indian Navy: internal vulnerabilities, external challenges Harsh V. Pant 2012 Rp.

32,200 MI036 Touching space, placing touch Mark Paterson and Martin Dodge 2012 Rp. 40,800 MI037 Transcending new public management: the transformation of public sector reforms Tom Christensen and Per L 2007 Rp. 42,000 MI038 Tropical Wetland Management: The South-American Pantanal and the International Experience Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris 2012 Rp. 49,400 MI039 Long Shot: vaccines for national defense Kenda ll Hoyt 2012 Rp. 43,600 MI040 Virtuous imbalance: political philosophy between desirability and feasibility Francesca Pasquali 2012 Rp. 34,400 MI041 Eco-global Crimes Contemporary Problems and Future Challenges - 2012 Rp. 45,400 KP001 Business Leader Profile for Students Vol.2 Jaime E.

Noce 2002 Rp. 67,800 KP002 Joan of Arc: A MilitaryLeader Kelly Devries 1999 Rp. 39,400 KP003 The Day The Leader was Killed Naguib Mahfouz 1985 Rp. 22,800 KP004 A Journey from Manager to Leader: A Playbook for Success William V. Jones 2002 Rp.

31,400 KP005 13 Kesalahan Pria & 52 Pertanyaan super ajaib Lex dePraxis 2009 Rp. 18,000 KP006 The Simplest and Most Effective Training System to Increase Raw Strength Jim Wendler 2009 Rp. 21,800 KP007 Singing for Dummies 2ed Pamelia S.

Phillips, DMA 2011 Rp. 48,400 AS001 American political parties and elections L. Sandy Maisel 2007 Rp. 31,200 AS002 A companion to American Indian history Philip J. Deloria and Neal Salisbury 2002 Rp. 63,400 AS003 Empire in the Age of Globalisation: US Hegemony and Neoliberal Disorder Ray Kiely 2005 Rp. 34,200 AS004 Across the WALL Narratives of Israeli Ilan Papp 2010 Rp.

59,000 AS005 A field guide to the culture wars: the battle over values from the campaign trail to the classroom Michael McGough 2009 Rp. 28,400 AS006 The US public and American foreign policy Andrew Johnstone and Helen Laville 2010 Rp. 35,000 AS007 In time of war: understanding American public opinion from World War II to Iraq Adam J. Berinsky 1992 Rp. 48,600 AS008 The Bush Administrations and Saddam husein: Deciding on Conflict A.R. Hybel and J.M. Kaufman 2006 Rp.

33,000 AS009 Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy: studies of the principal movements and ideas Alexander DeConde 2002 Rp. 75,400 AS010 Leading to the 2003 Iraq war: the global media debate Alexander G. Nikolaev and Ernest A.

Hakanen 2003 Rp. 41,200 AS011 Women and American Religion Ann Braude 2000 Rp. 26,600 AS012 War, torture, and terrorism: rethinking the rules of international security Anthony F. And Amanda Russell Beattie 2009 Rp. 35,200 AS013 Hegemony or empire?: the redefi nition of US power under George W. Bush Charles-Philippe David and David Grondin 2006 Rp. 37,600 AS014 The US, NATO, and military burdensharing Peter Kent Forster and Stephen J.

Cimbala 2005 Rp. 32,200 AS015 EMBEDDED: WEAPONSOF MASS DISTRACTION HOW THE MEDIA FAILED TO COVER THE WAR ON IRAQ DANNY SCHECHTER 2003 Rp. 42,400 AS016 The war in Iraq and why the media failed us David Dadge 2006 Rp. 33,400 AS017 The International Struggle Over Iraq Politics in the UN Security Council 1980 David M.

Malone 2007 Rp. 54,600 AS018 America and Iraq: policy-making, intervention and regional politics David Ryan and Patrick Kiely 2009 Rp. 41,000 AS019 Global environmental negotiations and US interests Deborah Saunders Davenport 2006 Rp. 40,800 AS020 Third-party matters: politics, presidents, and third parties in American history Donald J. Green 2010 Rp. 31,800 AS021 Encyclopedia of Muslim-American history Edward E.

Curtis IV 2010 Rp. 78,800 AS022 The Road Ahead:Middle East Policy in the Bush Administration FLYNT LEVERETT 2005 Rp. 23,400 AS023 The end of history and the last man Francis Fukuyama 1992 Rp.

56,600 AS024 The Iraq effect: the Middle East after the Iraq War Frederic Wehrey. et al. 2010 Rp.

33,800 AS025 The crisis of American foreign policy: Wilsonianism in the twenty-i rst century G. John Ikenberry. etal. 2001 Rp.

28,600 AS026 The Right War? THE CONSERVATIVE DEBATE ON IRAQ GARY ROSEN 2005 Rp. 38,600 AS027 Encyclopedia of Jewish-American Literature Gloria L. Cronin, Alan L. Berger 2009 Rp.

53,600 AS028 Jews in America Hasia R. Diner 1999 Rp. 28,000 AS029 After the war: nation-building from FDR to George W. Bush James Dobbins.

et al. 2008 Rp. 31,000 AS030 Deterring international terrorism and rogue states: US national security policy after 9/11 James H. 36,000 AS031 State of War James Risen - Rp. 35,800 AS032 Telling the little secrets: American Jewish Writing since the 1980s Janet Burstein 2006 Rp. 40,200 AS033 U.S.

Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Role of Lobbies and Special Interest Groups Janice J. Terry 2005 Rp. 28,600 AS034 Golden Ages, dark Ages: Imagining the Past in Anthropology and History Jay o'Brien and William Roseberry 1991 Rp. 41,600 AS035 An Alliance Against Babylon The U.S., Israel, and Iraq John K.

Cooley 2005 Rp. 39,200 AS036 A Special RelationshipAnglo-American Relations from the Cold War to Iraq 2nd edition John Dumbrell 2006 Rp. 44,800 AS037 Iraq Angelia L. Mance 2002 Rp. 22,000 AS038 Postmodernism and politics Jonathan Arac 1989 Rp. 33,600 AS039 The flawed architect: Henry Kissinger and American foreign policy Jussi Hanhim 2004 Rp.

69,600 AS040 JUDAISM AS A CIVILIZATION: Toward a Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life MORDECAI M. KAPLAN 2001 Rp.

77,000 AS041 A CITY IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR: The Literary Identity of Trieste Kattia Pizzi 2001 Rp. 34,000 AS042 GLOBAL RIVALRIES FROM THE COLD WAR TO IRAQ Kees van der Pijl 2006 Rp. 60,000 AS043 The Iraq Wars and America Keith L. Shimko 2010 Rp. 38,200 AS044 The Arab lobby and US foreign policy: the two-state solution Khalil Marrar 2008 Rp. 40,600 AS045 Iran, Iraq, and the legacies of war Lawrence G.

Potter and Gary G.Sick 2004 Rp. 35,000 AS046 Wars on terrorism and Iraq: human rights, unilateralism, and U.S. Foreign policy Thomas G. Weiss, Margaret E. Crahan, and John Goer 2004 Rp. 39,000 AS047 The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea That Shaped a Nation Jim Cullen 2003 Rp. 34,600 AS048 -Rp.

0 AS049 -Rp. 0 AS050 Great powers and regional orders: the United States and the Persian Gulf Markus Kaim 2008 Rp.

40,800 AS051 After tragedy and triumph: essays in modern Jewish thought and the American experience Michael Berenbaum. 33,800 AS052 American democracy promotion: impulses, strategies, and impacts Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry, and Takashi Inoguc 2000 Rp. 48,600 AS053 America in the world: the historiographyof American foreign relations since 1941 Michael J. Hogan 1995 Rp. 76,000 AS054 War, image and legitmacy: viewing contemporary conflict Milena Michalski and James Gow 2007 Rp.

40,600 AS055 MLA handbook for writers of research papers. 7th ed Gibaldi, Joseph, MLAhandbook for writersofresear 2009 Rp. 43,500 AS056 THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT -Rp. 70,600 AS057 Self-defense in Islamic and international law: assessing Al-Qaeda and the invasion of Iraq Niaz A. Shah 2008 Rp.

32,800 AS058 The politics of intelligence and American wars with Iraq Ofira Seliktar 2008 Rp. 34,600 AS059 Iraq and the War on Terror Paul rogers 2006 Rp. 31,400 AS060 ALLIES AT WA RAMERICA,EUROPE,AND THE CRISIS OVER IRAQ PHILIP H. GORDON AND JEREMY SHAPIRO 2004 Rp. 39,400 AS061 The New American Cultural Sociology Philip Smith 1998 Rp. 41,800 AS062 MANITOU AND GODNorth-American Indian Religions and Christian Culture R. Murray Thomas 2007 Rp.

41,400 AS063 Global trade and conflicting national interests Ralph E. Gomory and William J. Baumol 2001 Rp. 33,600 AS064 Protestantism in America Randall Balmer and Lauren F. Winner 2002 Rp. 43,200 AS065 War Trauma: lessons unlearned, from Vietnam to Iraq: vol.

3 of a Vietnam trilogy Raymond Monsour Scurfield 2006 Rp. 36,600 AS066 Who speaks for the poor: national interest groups and social policy Hays, R.Allen 2000 Rp. 40,800 AS067 US INTERVENTION POLICY AND ARMY INNOVATION From Vietnam to Iraq Richard Lock-Pullan 2006 Rp. 42,800 AS068 US Marine in Iraq: Operation Iraq Freedom, 2003 Richard S. Lowry 2006 Rp. 18,800 AS069 -Rp.

0 AS070 Iraq War Rodney P. Carlisle; John S. Bowman 2007 Rp. 33,000 AS071 America in the Great War: the rise of the war welfare state Ronald Schaffer. 38,400 AS072 -Rp. 0 AS073 America and Europe after 9/11 and Iraq: the great divide Sarwar A. Kashmeri 2007 Rp.

27,000 AS074 Weapons of mass deception: the uses of propaganda in Bush Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber 2003 Rp. 37,800 AS075 National security in the Obama administration: reassessing the Bush doctrine Stanley A. Renshon 2009 Rp. 42,800 AS076 Encyclopedia of American Jewish history Stephen H. Norwood and Eunice G.

Pollack 2008 Rp. 94,800 AS077 -Rp. 0 AS078 Dictatorship, imperialism and chaos: Iraq since 1989 Thabit A. Abdullah 2006 Rp.

26,600 AS079 STAT E O F T H E WO R L D 2 0 0 9: Into a Warming World T H E W O R L DWAT C H I N S T I T U T E 2009 Rp. 33,200 AS080 War and media operations: the U.S.military and the press from Vietnam to Iraq Thomas Rid 2007 Rp. 36,200 AS081 The Ancient Future: the Dark Age Traci Harding - Rp. 81,000 AS082 National interest and international solidarity: particular and universal ethics in international li Jean- Marc Coicaud and N icholas J. Whee ler 2008 Rp.

45,200 AS083 Religion and American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960 WILLIAM INB ODEN 2008 Rp. 49,000 AS084 Secrecy in US foreign policy: Nixon, Kissinger, and the rapprochement with China Yukinori Komine 2008 Rp. 42,000 AS085 The modern history of Iraq 3edition Phebe Marr 2011 Rp. 61,800 AS086 The SECRET HISTORY OF THE IRAQ WAR YOSSEF BODANSKY - Rp. 70,000 AS087 THE UNITED NATIONS, PEACE AND SECURITY: From Collective Security to the Responsibility to Protect RAMESH THAKUR 2006 Rp. 52,600 AS088 FROM MODERNISM TO POSTMODERNISM: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century JENNIFER ASHTON 2005 Rp. 33,200 AS089 -Rp.

0 AS090 A concise companion to American studies John Carlos Rowe 2010 Rp. 59,600 AS091 AFRICAN, NATIVE, AND JEWISH AMERICAN LITERATURE AND THE RESHAPING OF MODERNISM Alicia A. Kent 2007 Rp.

36,000 AS092 Encyclopedia of American religious history 3e Edward L. Queen II 2009 Rp. 130,000 AS093 An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory 3e ANDREW BENNETT AND NICHOLAS ROYLE 2004 Rp. 48,000 AS094 11 September 2001: war, terror and judgement B 2003 Rp. 32,800 AS095 Hegemony or empire?: the redefi nition of US power under George W.

Bush Charles-Philippe David and David Grondin. 37,600 AS096 An introduction to theories of popular culture Dominic Strinati 2004 Rp. 43,000 AS097 America unbound: the Bush revolution in foreign policy Ivo H. Daalder, James M.Lindsay 2003 Rp. 37,600 AS098 Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy: studies of the principal movements and ideas 2e Alexander DeConde 2002 Rp.

200,600 AS099 Soft power and US foreign policy: theoretical, historical and contemporary perspectives Inderjeet Parmar and Michael Cox 2010 Rp. 37,000 AS100 The 9/11 encyclopedia 2e Stephen Atkins 2011 Rp. 110,000 AS101 THE IRONY OF DEMOCRACY: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics 14e T.